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Minneapolis Moline Farm Toy Inventory
Denny & Barb Erickson
808 Brown Street P.O. Box 101
(507) 841-0600 phone Jackson, MN 56143-0101
Minneapolis Moline Farm Toys
Click on the item to view a larger photo. All items are 1/16 scale unless otherwise noted.
__Berg MM G1050 SOLD
__Berg MM G1350 SOLD
__Berg MM G1350 w/cab SOLD
__Berg MM G950 w/cab SOLD
__Berg MM G955 SOLD
__Cottonwood MM M670 w/cab SOLD
__Mohr MM 5 Star SOLD
__Mohr MM M604 SOLD
__Mohr MM U NIB $495
__MM Gray Staionary Engine SOLD
__MM Yellow Staionary Engine SOLD
__Minneapolis Moline R & Wagon NIB 1/32 SOLD
__Minneapolis Moline G-1000 Bubble Box SOLD
__Minneapolis Moline G-1000 NIB SOLD
__MM M602 by Mohr SOLD
__MM M5 by Mohr SOLD
__MM UB by SLIK Original SOLD
__MM Puller NIB(small rears) SOLD
__Minneapolis Moline Allison Puller NIB SOLD
__Minneapolis Moline Allison Puller NIB 1/64 SOLD
__Minneapolis Moline Tandem Disc by Cerroll SOLD
__Sheller Truck SOLD
__Cottonwood Combine SOLD
__Mint Sheller SOLD
__2 Star Crawler NIB SOLD
__Original MM Sheller SOLD
__1/32 Corn Sheller SOLD
__MM A4T-1400 Yellow SOLD
____MM Plainsman SOLD
__MM Clock New Item SOLD
__1/64 UB SOLD
__Toy Farmer G 750 NIB SOLD
__1/43rd Toy Farmer G750 SOLD
Minneapolis Moline Memorabilia
Click on the item to view a larger photo. All items are 1/16 scale unless otherwise noted.
__MM Combine NIB SOLD
__MM drinking Glass SOLD
__MM Custom Rotary Hoe SOLD
__MM Tandem Disc by Slik SOLD
__MM Wagon #2 SOLD
__MM Wagon #1 SOLD
__3 MM Oil Filters NIB SOLD
__MM Level Lamberton, MN SOLD
__MM Thimble SOLD
__Buddy Lee Doll SOLD
__Oil Filter SOLD
__Greenwood Ash Tray SOLD
__Atwater Knife $125
__Slayton Battery Strap SOLD
__Bender Thermometer $95
__Cloth Patch SOLD
__MM Thermometer SOLD
__MM Bullet Pencil SOLD
__Combine Puzzle SOLD
__Watch Fob $195
__Plastic MM Glass $45
__Hutchinson Tape $125
__MM Tape $95
__Spaulding Match Book $35
__Visionline Match Book SOLD
__Z Match Book Cover SOLD
__Salt & Pepper $125
__Cigarette Lighter SOLD
__4 MM President Glasses $165
__Oil Can $195
__Spirit of "76" Pin $95
__Pioneer Cup $35
__Red Wing Pie Plate SOLD
__Creamer $195
__Spencer Knife $95
__Storden Bullet Pencil $35
__Adjustable Wrench SOLD
Abbreviations: New in Box (NIB), Repaint (RP), New (N), Mint (M), New in Pack (NIP), Wide Front End (WF), Narrow Front End (NF), Collectors Edition (CE), Limited Edition (LE), Special Edition (SE), First Edition (FE), Custom (Cust), Combine (Comb), Anniversary (Ann).